070211 土狼坡 - 鐵馬行 (Bike at Coyote Hills)
奇奇想要和孵蛋的鴨媽媽交朋友, 但反遭怒目白眼![]() Nathan tries to make friends with a hatching duck, but she seems mad at him. |
奇奇騎車涉水, 樂在其中![]() Nathan enjoys ridiing bike crossing water. |
終於找到一塊荒地, 把家中過期的綠豆灑下, 下次再過來看![]() We find a piece of land to plant beans. |
經過了歐隆尼保護地, 誤闖入可要罰鍰與監禁, 特在警示牌前拍照, 應該還好吧!![]() We take a picture in front of the Ohlone Shellmound. Trespassing can be fined and put into jail! |
遠方兩公里處的山腳下, 就是訪客中心與博物館, 努力騎吧!![]() Two Km away at the foothill are a visitor center and a museum. |
溼地水塘, 候鳥群集![]() Migrating fowls love marsh land |
經過一溼地水塘, 兄妹倆合影留念![]() Two kids in front of a march land pond. |
早就瞧見山坡成片的羊群, 就先去看看, 有數百隻呢! 這是他們除草的好主意![]() Hurry to see the sheep. There are hundreds of them. What a smart idea of maintaining the grass land! |
近近地瞧, 羊妹妹可是攀岩高手呢!![]() Sheep are wonderful rock climbers! |
看完羊後, 就往回一路下坡騎去博物館吧!![]() Now it's time to go back downhill all the way to the museum! |
兄妹倆站在歐隆尼生活起居展示櫥窗前![]() Kids in front of the Ohlone living model |
弦弦站在溼地水塘展示櫥窗前![]() Angelica in front of the Marshland model |
弦弦酷愛這隻大貓頭鷹![]() Angelica hugs the OWL. |
奇奇與弦弦一塊兒摸蛇![]() Nathan and Angelica feel the snake. |
奇奇站在歐隆尼乘坐的用草桿做的獨木舟![]() Nathan in front of an Ohlone canoe made of straws. |
回程時, 順道興起來玩攀岩![]() Rock climbing on our way back. |
路線崎嶇陡峭, 得手腳並用![]() Steep rocky trail |
終於到了此地的 "大霸尖山" 的山腳下![]() Get to the climb start. |
一起來爬這段超過登山等級3的路線![]() Working on the level 3 climbing. |
太危險了, 老爸自己來, 兄妹自行做田野研究![]() Too dangerous, Dad goes and have kids do "field work". |
終於爬上去了, 從腳底往下看倆兄妹![]() Finally get to the top and look down. |
好了, 回去還得爬下去呢!![]() Let's go home and crawl down. |
弦弦好不容易自己爬上一塊大岩石, 可是, 奇奇久久爬不上去, 最後還擦傷了腿呢!![]() Angelica climbs up a rock, but Nathan has difficulty and scratches his leg. |
Very cute pictures! i see that you are getting them started on all things outdoors at a young age :-)
Hope all is well. Whats your next race?
i am seeing a new (third) doc for my knee next week. Maybe she'll have a miracle cure :-)
Thanks, "tiny seal"! It's time for us to do some adventures and they love it!
Just signed up Sequoia this afternoon. It is a 50K this Sat.
Seems that you have been bothered by the knee issues. Hope you get well this time.
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